About us

Plant Atlanta is a ministry of Lebanon Baptist Church in Roswell, GA. Our mission is to make Jesus known in the Metro Atlanta Area and surrounding communities through planting or revitalizing churches.

We currently accomplish this mission primarily through Plant Atlanta Summer Camps that support our network of church planters.

But there’s so much more we want to accomplish.

Where do we go from here?

See what our church is already doing.

In addition to the Plant Atlanta Summer Camps, we want (1) to develop a network of churches to support church planters in Atlanta and (2) to actively train the next generation with the necessary skills and experience to plant churches.

How can you be a part?

You can partner with us to establish gospel-preaching churches in the Greater Atlanta Metro Area by:

  1. Bringing your youth group to a summer camp.

  2. Serving as a Plant Atlanta summer intern.

  3. Becoming one of the church plants we support or by joining our network of supporting/sending churches.

  4. Joining our church planting program as a pastoral resident.

  5. Moving to the Atlanta area to support a church as a member of a church plant.

  6. Donating to support the needs of Plant Atlanta’s pastoral residencies and internships.

Have Questions?

We’d love to get in contact with you!